1. In what cases is Multidex used to treat ulcers?
  • Multidex is indicated for the treatment of infectious or non-infectious skin ulcers:
  • Pressure ulcers in the elderly lying paralyzed for a long time.
  • Foot ulcers, foot wounds due to diabetes complications.
  • Vascular ulcers: small vessel occlusion, blood clot.
  • Partial or complete deep ulcer.
  • Ulcers grade II, III, IV.
  • The site of tissue donation or skin grafting,…
  • In addition, the product is also used in the following cases: long-lasting infected incisions, severe burn ulcers, long-healing trauma wounds.
2. How to use the most effective medicine to treat Ulcers Multidex?
3. What are the precautions when using Multidex ulcer treatment?
4. How long is the usual scar treatment time?
6. What should be fasted during the treatment?
5. What should be eaten during the scar treatment?